About Me

My photo
Mumbai, India
I'm a landrace dog fancier. Founder of the INDog Project (www.indog.co.in) and the INDog Club. Before that, I worked with urban free-ranging dogs of Mumbai from 1993-2007. Also a spider enthusiast and amateur arachnologist.

This blog is for primitive dog enthusiasts. It is part of the INDog Project www.indog.co.in. Only INDogs (India's primitive indigenous village dogs) and INDog-mixes (Indies) are featured here. The two are NOT the same, do please read the text on the right to understand the difference. Our aim: to create awareness about the primitive landrace village dog of the Indian subcontinent. I sometimes feature other landrace breeds too. Also see padsociety.org

Friday, May 8, 2015


Manti Bose's touching little story about her best friend, beautiful INDog-mix Menaka.

Bangalore has been my home for a decade, since I started working. Living away from family, and with the pressures and stress of the software industry, I had no time to meet new people or make friends.

One evening while I was walking down the road to reach home from work, I saw a little pup of about three weeks, peering down a drain from a pile of garbage on which she was balancing herself. Her shining bright pretty face attracted my attention. I instantly connected with her and in that very moment I decided I couldn't leave her there alone. 

It was last December that I brought her home without any prior experience of having a pet, and now she has become an integral part of my life.

I named her Menaka, the most beautiful angel.

My day begins with Menaka's licks, and playing games with her. It ends with a quiet night walk in my locality.

She is an amazing bundle of joy, highly intelligent, crazy for getting attention. The saying 'you can only love me but you can't ignore me' is so true in her case.

I am blessed to be showered by so much unconditional love by a godsent angel.

Menaka has taught me that love can't be bought. It's found in the most unexpected place when you least expect it.

Story and photos: Manti Bose

Please do not use images or content from this site without permission and acknowledgment


Unknown said...

I love this. Manti is speaking the words that all of us, Indog people (they found us on the street) know. And though we all express these same feelings, aloud or silently, we never get tired of it, said by someone else who is experienceing the very same thing . I love hearing it every time.


Anonymous said...

Shes a very gorgeous pup n I love the name Menaka. Am I die hard fan of Indies so can relate with your bonding with Menaka. Stay blessed!!