About Me

My photo
Mumbai, India
I'm a landrace dog fancier. Founder of the INDog Project (www.indog.co.in) and the INDog Club. Before that, I worked with urban free-ranging dogs of Mumbai from 1993-2007. Also a spider enthusiast and amateur arachnologist.

This blog is for primitive dog enthusiasts. It is part of the INDog Project www.indog.co.in. Only INDogs (India's primitive indigenous village dogs) and INDog-mixes (Indies) are featured here. The two are NOT the same, do please read the text on the right to understand the difference. Our aim: to create awareness about the primitive landrace village dog of the Indian subcontinent. I sometimes feature other landrace breeds too. Also see padsociety.org

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Running from Diwali

Like most dog-owners in India, we dread Diwali. Kiba is really scared of firecrackers, more than any of our dogs over the years. It's painful to see what he goes through. 

And Kimaya has started getting a bit nervous too. Maybe she's influenced by him? We don't know.

Unfortunately our usual getaway place, Nagaon, is actually much noisier than even Mumbai at this time. Hordes of urban barbarians rush there, throng the beach and turn it into a war zone. 

So about a month ago, Kiran started searching online for relatively quiet, pet-friendly places to escape to. (I say 'relatively quiet' because it's difficult, or near impossible, to find absolutely quiet places in this country during this festival).

When a friend told us about a dog-friendly resort in a place called Jawhar, we jumped at it. 

So last week, on the loudest day of Diwali, off we went with the K Gang; their luggage (heavy); and our luggage (light).

Jawhar is in the Sahyadri mountains, about 150 km north of Mumbai. It's a pleasant spot with lots of scenic views and walks. We stayed three days and nights and enjoyed every minute! 

Yes, we could hear crackers in the nearby town, but they weren't very close to where we were staying, so Kiba wasn't very stressed. 

There were lots of distractions for him too: the resort owner's three pet dogs, and four guest dogs! And some free-roamers! But we managed to maintain the peace despite Kiba's efforts to disrupt it.

Over to the photos now!

On our way!
Exploring a hill top. See that red soil? A lot of it ended up in our car. A LOT.
Khadkhad waterfall - a fun walk. The man in the pink shirt is Vishwanath, who works at the resort.
Vishwanath posing with the K Gang
Palace of the local royal family; now mostly used as a movie set
We took one of the K Gang's quilts with us, to make them feel more at home
Off to Dabhosa waterfall. See the mud?

At Dabhosa waterfall 
Getting up before dawn to look at a spectacular sunrise. The stupid things humans do...

Photos: Kiran Khalap, Rajashree Khalap
Palghar district

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Deepa, 2015

Deepa is back on the blog! After a few years!

She's always been one of my favourite Indies, because she looks so like my Lalee.

She's been living in Switzerland since 2009, with Nicole Poyyayil's parents on their farm. If you're new to this blog, you can follow her story through the links in this post.

I met this beautiful dog in 2008 before she was taken to Switzerland. I visited Nicole's home in Navi Mumbai with my Lalee and Bandra. Deepa was the perfect hostess and seemed happy to have doggy guests over! Lalee was nervous and stayed in a corner, but we got a nice picture of Bandra and Deepa.

Last year Nicole shifted to Switzerland, and before her own dogs arrived from India, she had Deepa staying at her house for a week.

'It was when my parents went for a holiday,' she writes. 'It was very nice having Deepa with me but she was very excited when my papa came to pick her up. I realized that she loves me very much, but her home is with my parents. Even at night she went many times to the fence, maybe waiting for my papa to come.'

Here are her pictures. She's put on a little weight since her younger days, but she's still as lovely as ever!

Photos: Nicole Poyyayil

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Meet Helo, gorgeous little INDog-mix from Delhi! (Don't Indies have the loveliest eyes in the canine world?)

In August, at the age of three months, Helo was flown to his forever home in the US. To someone who had been waiting all her life for a puppy from India. 

'All those years ago I had wanted to adopt a puppy...in every city that I lived in in India,' writes Mita. 'But to no avail, thanks in part to the fact that we were constantly on the move as my father was in the army.

'Finally this is like a dream come true.'

'I have surrounded myself with pictures and objects from my beloved home country. Yet nothing is more iconic than these beseeching eyes in this sharp and intelligent face. 

'He takes me back to every street corner where one or several such little creatures eke out a living.

'At three months. Such a low-maintenance, spirited puppy.'

'Life has completely changed. It's ridiculous how much we love him and what a smart dog he is.'

'This last picture is Helo taking a nap with our 12-year old Muffy, who is mostly retriever and mutt.

'Since his travel was completely paid for by me, his two litter mates were also added to the flight. All of them have been adopted.

'He seems to know a lot of things instinctively. I know this will be an amazing journey.'

Photos and text: Mita Roye
Pittsburgh, PA

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