About Me

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Mumbai, India
I'm a landrace dog fancier. Founder of the INDog Project (www.indog.co.in) and the INDog Club. Before that, I worked with urban free-ranging dogs of Mumbai from 1993-2007. Also a spider enthusiast and amateur arachnologist.

This blog is for primitive dog enthusiasts. It is part of the INDog Project www.indog.co.in. Only INDogs (India's primitive indigenous village dogs) and INDog-mixes (Indies) are featured here. The two are NOT the same, do please read the text on the right to understand the difference. Our aim: to create awareness about the primitive landrace village dog of the Indian subcontinent. I sometimes feature other landrace breeds too. Also see padsociety.org

Monday, January 23, 2017

Our lost world

How we dogs lost Nagaon Beach

'We still go to the beach. But it isn't really there any more.

OUR beach. It used to be ours. Vast, empty, stretching away as far as we could see.

We remember everything.

Our leashes would be taken off, and we would race away, out of the Human World, into Dog World!

There was Brownie; and Spotted Girl; and White Dog; and Friend and his brothers; Sasha and his two sisters; and Buffalo Dog; Raja the doberman; and the terrible Brindlebrown; and other dogs with no names!

Friends, enemies, acquaintances. All dogs! 

There were hardly any people there, back then. Just one of our humans, sometimes both our humans, sometimes a couple more here and there. Sometimes a knot of people far far away, who didn't bother us, and we didn't bother them.

Everyone was happy.

We would just be dogs, in Dog World; where humans stand by and watch. 

And there we'd stay and sniff and explore and bark and challenge and growl and run and discover and play; until it grew dark. 

Then we'd remember our humans because it was getting on for dinner time; and it was time to slip back into their world again, and go home with them to sofas and cushions and beds.

We still go to the beach; but OUR beach isn't there any more. 

Dog World is gone.

Our leashes are never taken off now. We pull and strain and try to run, but our human doesn't let us go.

She says she's sorry, but it's because lots of stupid humans come from outside, driving their cars along the shore; and we could get killed.

Brownie's brother got killed because a human drove a car onto him, while he was playing and splashing in the sea.

Sometimes we see dead dogs rotting among the bushes nearby. Perhaps they got killed the same way.

Our human says the beach is like a street now. 

Sometimes, on a weekday morning, it still looks empty and safe. But the human says you never know when a car might appear.

Then there is all the food that those outsider people leave all over the place, among piles of scattered plates and bottles and plastic bags. We want to rush there and eat it, but the human says it makes us sick. 

And then, Brownie and his family have all moved away to another village, with their human. They have another beach to run on now. It's quite far away from here.

So it's just the two of us.

We race and play and dig and bark and zoom around in our own garden, safe within four walls. 

But we'll never run free on the vast sands again, with our friends, enemies and acquaintances.

Everything is different now.'

Kiba and Kimaya  
Nagaon Beach

Photos: Rajashree Khalap, B. Jadhav & Javed Ahmed

Please do not use images or content from this site without permission and acknowledgment


Ashish O G said...

One evening a few years ago, my friends and I were walking upto Nagaon beach for the sunset. There was a pariah who started following me from the walkway to the beach. I have always loved dogs but I was uncomfortable with strays as I did not know how to handle them. Surprisingly she maintained a distance of about 10-15 metres when following me like she could sense my discomfort and was waiting patiently for me to get comfortable. As the tide was low I walked a km or more into the ocean and she followed me all along and my way back.
In November 2015, after researching on multiple breeds and much consideration I adopted Aria, my desi girl from 'World for all' and I can confidently say it has been one of the best decisions of my life. The Indian Pariah is super smart, sensitive, low maintenance and hardy. On top of that they are gorgeous, wonderful companions and adapt easily. I thank my lucky stars for my experience with the Indie at Nagaon beach.
It's a pity that they are losing their playground to insensitive drivers.

Gone Girl said...

This is very distressing. Aside from the fact that I simply don't understand what exactly is so 'thrilling'about having to drive a stupid car across the beach when one would rather prefer walking on the sands on bare feet. Aside from this, how can people just eat whatever rubbish they want and litter the surroundings of the beach in this manner? Aren't there rules and regulations? Strict fines should be imposed on such people. But like they say, darling ye hai India. The 'tu jaanta nahi main kaun hu' rule applies.

Unknown said...

It was really touching. Thanks for sharing the awesome memories of your furry buddies.