About Me

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Mumbai, India
I'm a landrace dog fancier. Founder of the INDog Project (www.indog.co.in) and the INDog Club. Before that, I worked with urban free-ranging dogs of Mumbai from 1993-2007. Also a spider enthusiast and amateur arachnologist.

This blog is for primitive dog enthusiasts. It is part of the INDog Project www.indog.co.in. Only INDogs (India's primitive indigenous village dogs) and INDog-mixes (Indies) are featured here. The two are NOT the same, do please read the text on the right to understand the difference. Our aim: to create awareness about the primitive landrace village dog of the Indian subcontinent. I sometimes feature other landrace breeds too. Also see padsociety.org

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


An early morning sojourn with Rocket brought us face-to-face with another scrawny, ugly, very tiny puppy. He was underfed and all alone and Anu’s heart melted at the sight of him. She made up her mind to bring him home (though at that time she assured me it was only for a few days – to feed him and nourish him and give him a better chance of survival). Goblin decided right from the first moment that Rocket was his “big brother” and decided to follow him EVERYWHERE much to Rocket’s annoyance. We had a tough time naming him (and went through scores of names) but finally decided on Goblin because he looks like one. This is one tough cookie and he has wormed his way into all our hearts – including Rocket’s. After many unsuccessful attempts at finding him a home, we decided one morning to let him go. Unfortunately this led to so many tears (Anu’s) that finally we decided to keep him. Goblin loves food. You can make him do anything as long as you dangle food in front of his face. He pretends to be really brave (and he yelps and barks unlike his big brother) but separate him from Rocket and he cowers in a corner. He now sleeps curled up next to Rocket (yes, on the bed) and they have become (much to our relief) inseparable. Although we call him Goblin we think he’s beautiful. Once again – no regrets.

Sanjay Sarkar

1 comment:

Lakshmi said...

Stories like this never fail to bring tears of joy to me...way to go Anuradha and Sanjay...thanks Rajashree..hats off to you for the work you do!
Lakshmi Ravishankar from Pune