About Me

My photo
Mumbai, India
I'm a landrace dog fancier. Founder of the INDog Project (www.indog.co.in) and the INDog Club. Before that, I worked with urban free-ranging dogs of Mumbai from 1993-2007. Also a spider enthusiast and amateur arachnologist.

This blog is for primitive dog enthusiasts. It is part of the INDog Project www.indog.co.in. Only INDogs (India's primitive indigenous village dogs) and INDog-mixes (Indies) are featured here. The two are NOT the same, do please read the text on the right to understand the difference. Our aim: to create awareness about the primitive landrace village dog of the Indian subcontinent. I sometimes feature other landrace breeds too. Also see padsociety.org

Thursday, September 10, 2009


This is our newest member, Vicky. He belongs to Santhosh Sastry and lives in Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh.

He's a superb example of an Indian Pariah Dog/INDog. Enter "INDog" in the search box of this blog and go through the photos I've taken around the country - you'll see the resemblance.

Santhosh was cycling home from college with a friend when he first saw Vicky, then a tiny pup, playing in sand beside a busy road. He'd always wanted a dog and particularly loved Pariah dogs. So encouraged by his friend, he decided to adopt the little creature then and there.

Vicky is now two years old and living with Santhosh's family. There's only one thing missing in his happy life: his Favourite Human currently lives in Pondicherry, where he is studying. And of course, Santhosh misses Vicky terribly (we can all empathize with that). On his visits home, Vicky is ecstatic and the two are inseparable.

Santhosh tells me Vicky is very intelligent, active and playful. He isn't very enthused by ball games but loves hide-and-seek.

In his own words, "Vicky is the nicest friend for me, given by God."

Photos: Santhosh Sastry
Andhra Pradesh


ambrosia said...

Hi Rajashree, I learnt who are Pariah dogs and how they are different from Mongrels and how the term "stray" is loosely used :-) from your blog. Just wondering something.... I have heard of the Rajapalayams - are they different from these two categories? I am confused.

Also, I have just brought home a pup with an all brown body and a black patch around the mouth. I found this pup crying loudly in the middle of a construction site. It did not belong to any of the laborers, so I got it home. But I have to put it up for adoption ultimately as I live alone and there is nobody at my apartment during the day time which is around 10 hours. I also travel for work, so looking out for a good home for this pup is very essential. I read the grand success story of Hugo Boss in your blog and was wondering whether there is any site I could post details of this pup. Since I am located at Bangalore,I am also trying through Let's Live Together. But if you have a clue please let me know. I will be very grateful. Thanks!

Rajashree Khalap said...

Glad you read my definitions :-) Most people seem to skip that bit, though it's very important! No, Rajapalayams are not Indian Pariahs or mongrels, they are what's called a "pure breed" meaning they have been selectively bred to a type. Indian Pariah Dogs are also pure, in fact genetically much purer than any recognized "purebreed," but they have not been selectively bred and I hope they will never have to be.

You could email me the pup's pictures at rajashree.khalap@gmail.com I'll email you contact details for other adoption blogs as well. I don't really think many adoptions take place through my blog since most of the readers seem to be dog owners already. But we'll give it a try.

ambrosia said...

Thanks Rajashree for all the information. I recently wrote a post and the definitions in your blog were very, very helpful :) I get the thing about Rajapalayams now. So they are pure breeds afterall, hmmmmm. I never looked at it that way before.

Regarding my pup, I am taking him day after to the adoption camp organized by LLT. Hope he gets a good home. Today I called a vet at home and the doctor checked his eyes and declared him to be a "very healthy pup with no infection". He was also dewarmed today. The doc says he is 1.5 months old. If puppy does not get adopted at the camp I will send his details to you. Thanks so much!

Rajashree Khalap said...

Yes, Rajapalayams are an Indian pure breed like Caravan/Mudhol Hounds, Rampur Hounds and others. Those were all old hunting breeds and many are mixed with saluki-type dogs brought to India from west Asia.

Pariah dogs have also become "pure breeds" in some countries. The Canaan Dog of Israel is a good example. Basenjis were also bred from the Pariah dogs of the Congo.

Good luck with the adoption! I'll keep fingers crossed.

Veera said...

I have been wondering where the Indian spitz is really coming from. It looks like pomeranian so is the breed derivative of dogs imported by Europeans? Superficially it does not seem to have very much in common with INdog. It looks more like the spitzes we have in Europe.

By the way, I remember reading somewhere that the Rajapalayam (isn't it the white hound type dog?) could be one of the ancestors for the Dalmatians.

Rajashree Khalap said...

You're right Veera, the Indian Spitz has nothing to do with the INDog. It's basically the white Pomeranian. The Kennel Club of India originally called it the German Spitz but later they renamed it Indian Spitz.

Yes I've read that somewhere about Rajapalayams too, I think in wiki.

doggylove said...

hi all! after a long gap, i am on blog. i saw vicky and couldnt help but call him my 'tommy', theres a lot of similarity in looks betn the two!!