About Me

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Mumbai, India
I'm a landrace dog fancier. Founder of the INDog Project (www.indog.co.in) and the INDog Club. Before that, I worked with urban free-ranging dogs of Mumbai from 1993-2007. Also a spider enthusiast and amateur arachnologist.

This blog is for primitive dog enthusiasts. It is part of the INDog Project www.indog.co.in. Only INDogs (India's primitive indigenous village dogs) and INDog-mixes (Indies) are featured here. The two are NOT the same, do please read the text on the right to understand the difference. Our aim: to create awareness about the primitive landrace village dog of the Indian subcontinent. I sometimes feature other landrace breeds too. Also see padsociety.org

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The girls

Lalee and Puppy on a rare walk together. Puppy is 13 and rather slow, so she isn't walked with Lalee since their pace is different. Read about Puppy and how she joined our family here.

She has put on 2 kilos since we adopted her. Her walks are brief and dedicated almost solely to "answering Nature's call," as the newspapers put it here.

The scars on Puppy's left side are the remnant of bad burns she got while sleeping under a taxi many years ago. Probably from an overheated silencer.

Lalee's walks on the other hand are mostly sniffing expeditions and most of her time is spent in tracking the scents of her dog friends and acquaintances. Quite a bit of territorial marking is done near the home of her arch enemy, pet INDog Sheba who lives in another building in our society.

The person walking them is our driver Sanjay, who is also our daytime dogwalker and occasional petsitter, and one of Lalee's favourite humans. When I adopted Lalee I was working at an NGO kennel for six hours a day and I needed someone to walk her. Ever since he has been her favourite walking companion. I'm ashamed to admit she refuses to stay outside more than 20 minutes at a time with me, but with Sanjay she walks for an hour or more!

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