About Me

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Mumbai, India
I'm a landrace dog fancier. Founder of the INDog Project (www.indog.co.in) and the INDog Club. Before that, I worked with urban free-ranging dogs of Mumbai from 1993-2007. Also a spider enthusiast and amateur arachnologist.

This blog is for primitive dog enthusiasts. It is part of the INDog Project www.indog.co.in. Only INDogs (India's primitive indigenous village dogs) and INDog-mixes (Indies) are featured here. The two are NOT the same, do please read the text on the right to understand the difference. Our aim: to create awareness about the primitive landrace village dog of the Indian subcontinent. I sometimes feature other landrace breeds too. Also see padsociety.org

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lemon Tree Hotels and their canine staff!

I liked this email so much I'm posting it here. From dog lover Lubna Kably:

I just returned from a short trip to Aurangabad and stayed at Lemon Tree Hotels.

This hotel chain adopts a dog (street dog) at every hotel in its chain and the dog is part of the management team - the dog's bio-data is even put up on the website under "Hotel management."

Lemon Tree Aurangabad already had Potty (Pot Tree), see his bio data below.

However when I reached there, I found out that Potty had a girl friend Rani. She had such a gentle disposition and soulful eyes.

Potty was a bit mistrustful of me, having being recently injected by a vet and was wary of all strangers. In fact, because of his recent aggressive attitude (which lasted just a few days) he was even kept tethered.

However Rani came to me and wagged her tail a bit, waiting to check the response. Soon we were the best of friends, much to Potty's dismay. He is one possessive dog!

Rani was well fed by the security, but that seemed about it. However, after having spoken to the hotel management, she too has been formally inducted. She just got a collar and will be getting a shiny new badge just like Potty.

In fact, it seems like Rani knew I had a role to play. After having got a new collar, a good meal (not Potty's left overs) and perhaps a bath, she bounded across when I went to meet her and gave me a shy little lick.

Rani is now named S'Paws (Spouse of Potty).

Isn't this cool, a hotel chain which has a doggie-friendly heart. The dogs are well taken care of, provided not just with food and shelter, veterinarian care, but also with a lot of love and affection.

For more of the Pooch hotel management members, just go to the Lemon Tree Hotel's website, look up the hotels in different locations, click on the link - Hotel Management and you will know which Pooch rules where!

In fact, their front desk also has a toy stuffed dog - a mascot. But the doggie-members of their management team rock.

Lemon Tree Hotels just got a huge big fan - ME!

Text and photos: Lubna Kably


Lubna said...

Thanks a ton for putting this up. I do hope doggie lovers stay at Lemon Tree Hotels. Their hotels are excellent and the doggy managers are a huge BONUS.

georgia little pea said...

if my humans are ever lucky enough to visit india again, they will certainly check out these hotels.

what a lovely idea to include dogs in their management :) loved the names of the dogs too. how is it possible that there are dogs with even crazier names than mine haha?!


Rajashree Khalap said...

I'd hesitate to name my dog Potty... only to save what shreds of reputation I have left in this neighbourhood. My neighbours must think I'm a lunatic anyway :-)

doggylove said...

hi rajashree! wonderful photos of puppy and nagaon! abt this hotel, three cheers to them! just a opposite case in my neighborhood, hotel galaxy, has a dog named 'tiger', for almost 9 yrs now,he is tied up to gate or on the back side in shade, for all 24 hrs 365 days, after my consistent brainwashing to servants there they have started keeping water bowl beside him 24 hrs.his neck is all black with no hair(because of collar),my heart weeps for him, but i feel at least he gets some food twice a day, and protection from rains!!no vet care is provided until he gets too sick.

Rajashree Khalap said...

Poor Tiger! Why don't they leave him off-leash for part of the day?

Mary said...

What a great reason to stay at Lemon Tree Hotels is all I can say. A little taste of home while away and nice to know these dogs now have a good place to call home.

Here are two more dogs who were happily adopted after being abandoned somewhere in Northern California: http://www.movinglinks4you.com/2010/11/11/friday-fun-foto-homeless-dogs-hit-jackpot/


Rajashree Khalap said...

Lovely dogs and photo, thanks!