About Me

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Mumbai, India
I'm a landrace dog fancier. Founder of the INDog Project (www.indog.co.in) and the INDog Club. Before that, I worked with urban free-ranging dogs of Mumbai from 1993-2007. Also a spider enthusiast and amateur arachnologist.

This blog is for primitive dog enthusiasts. It is part of the INDog Project www.indog.co.in. Only INDogs (India's primitive indigenous village dogs) and INDog-mixes (Indies) are featured here. The two are NOT the same, do please read the text on the right to understand the difference. Our aim: to create awareness about the primitive landrace village dog of the Indian subcontinent. I sometimes feature other landrace breeds too. Also see padsociety.org

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ben's summer story

Hello, my name is Ben Goldie and I am a desi dog from Delhi living a very wonderful life thanks to the many people who cared to give me a part of their homes and hearts. I arrived in Vancouver, BC, Canada last year and was quickly adopted by my new family Katie and Craig Goldie. They have raised me in a loving extended family in which I have stolen everyone’s hearts with my personality and antics.

My summer was spent on a remote island in Georgian Bay, ON, Canada. An island, can he swim? Well, despite being born far from the sea, I am quite a good swimmer. All the hounds in the pack on the bay are good swimmers. If you don’t like one island, just swim to another – that’s our motto. My island is about 10 hectares in size, covered with woods and has its own lake in the middle. Perfect for dog foraging expeditions with my new pal Angus. Angus is a Welsh terrier and much smaller than my 55 pounds. But he makes up for it with terrier style, which is generally lovingly aggressive combined with a nice hint of bad dog behavior.

Angus has taught me to mouse, I mean, they have real mice here. I caught my first mouse on the dining room table. It tasted awful, all plastic with buttons on it. The real mice are much more of a challenge, and they are also generally pretty safe with me gallumping after them in my long legged, flailing way. I have met snakes, minks and grouse. All of which just sniff at me with disdain, despite my earnest attempts at evicting them from the island.

The wind often blows and it often storms on this wild outcrop, eight kilometers from shore. There are rocks to climb over, boats to greet on arrival at the dock, and at the end of the day, a long couch to snooze on. My morning starts with me being dragged out of bed (I am a late riser) to start the morning running with Angus. After a hearty breakfast of kibble and more kibble, I spend the rest of the day sniffing amongst the rocks and fallen trees. I also enjoy chasing balls, chewing sticks and anything illicit. I love boat rides, which is good as everyone uses only boats to get around here. My favourite spot is in the bow, with ears flying and nose working overtime. Any boat will do, and I will jump in to anyone that arrives. My absolute favourite is the Sea Doo, where I sit on the seat in front of Grandma or Grandpa and help them navigate. Most of the dogs up here travel by boat and Sea Doo.
The bay pack is the best. Three border collies who obsessively chase sticks and balls. They launch themselves off docks and rocks when the ball hits the water. Now that is going too far, as I am a swimmer but not a ball nut. Two short Corgis who do nothing but chase me and try to herd me. I am not a sheep you dumb Corgis. Add a couple of Westies (stout of heart but none too fast) and another mutt or two and the pack is complete. We are often found going on picnics to some far away rock, rushing and tumbling to get off the boat, exploring every crack and nook and swimming to other rocks.
So it is a dog's life for me up here in northern Ontario. Come visit me sometime and I will show you where the mink lives, how to chase a grouse and why snakes make such lousy friends.
Ben Goldie

Story: written for Ben by his grandpa Ian Baines
Photos: Katie Goldie
P.S. Ben was named after the "Bengal Tiger!"


Sarah said...

Welcome to Ontario, Ben!

wandereress said...

Super story! I love the pic with Ben sitting between Grandpa and Grandma, navigating the See Doo. Simply ADORABLE!

Rina said...

I love the story! I actually know Ben, my Desi Dog Rupee met Ben for the first time in December 2010 in Vancouver BC when they were pups. There is a video of them meeting in Youtube.

Rina said...

Great story, Ben is so handsome. I actually met him as a puppy. My desi dog Rupee met him for the first time at the beach in Vancouver when they were both puppies, December 2010. I made a video of their encounter and it is in youtube. It is called Ben meets Rupee.